palazzo pants with kurtas

How to wear Palazzo pants with Kurta?

Palazzo pants with Kurta is a trend which has been introduced in the era of our mom or even grandmom & the killer look is still wooing women like anything.

Beautiful Palazzo pants are in great demand as the festive season is around and so is the wedding season. Cotton Kurtis with cotton palazzo pants is savage during scorching heat while embroidered and embellished palazzos give an elegant look at special occasions.

Teaming Palazzo Pants with Kurta

You can literally swear by Palazzo Pants with Kurta as it is one of the sought-after trouser styles. Style a gorgeous palazzo with eloquent western top or formal shirt.

How to style Palazzo Pants with Kurtis?

5 Ways to Style Palazzo Pants

There are literally zillion ways in which you can style palazzo pants. Turn your looks magical with a bohemian top and cotton palazzo or plan a weekend night out with your squad in a tank top and flared rayon palazzo. You have a lot to do & palazzo will never disappoint you.

Let us take you through a comprehensive guide where you can explore ideas to style palazzo with different types of designer kurtis.

Long Kurtis with Palazzo

Long Straight Cut Kurtis and palazzo pants are the best team. You can create a balanced look with a fitted Designer Kurti and flare/pleated palazzo. Pick a monochromic color theme to slim down or play with contrasting colors for a bold appearance. Your figure is enhanced as the upper body looks slim and volume is created in the bottom. If you are tall, you will gain ‘wow’ all the way.

narrow plazzo with long kurti

For solid color long kurti design, go for the same color flared palazzo and match a heavy or printed dupatta with it and see the well-finished look you get.

Cotton Kurtis with Palazzo

Cotton Kurti is an invaluable staple for everyday fashion. Give a break to your denim and make Palazzo an interesting part of your outfit. Play with the pastels and wear a vibrant palazzo pant with a white cotton kurti for a serene look.

 even color kurti and plazzo

Accessorize with long earrings and enjoy your ethnic twist.

Front-cut Kurti with Palazzo

Designer Kurtis with different style deserves an equally stylish bottom wear to up your fashion game. Give importance to the details when you are wearing palazzo on special occasions. Choose a chikankari or embroidered one for a pure ethnic look.

front cut kurti with plazo pants1

Creating different looks with one palazzo pant is possible. For instance, if you are wearing Anarkali Kurti then flared palazzo will better go with it. If you are planning for a multi-slit Kurti look then a narrow pant style will suit better.

Printed Kurti with Palazzo

The easiest way you can add fun to your outfits is by playing with the prints. Create a date-perfect look with a printed Anarkali Kurti and a floral print palazzo pant. Why just floral print? You have an entire range of quirky prints to try out! Don’t be surprised if your bottom catches more attention than your top, because why not!

anarkali with palazzo printed

Short Kurti with Palazzo

As the beginning of the blog reads, Palazzo is not a new trend, we still remember the flawless look created by Kareena in Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gum with her “Bole Chudiyan” song. Be a go-getter like her & add a dash of glamour to your looks by pairing a short Kurti with pant.

short kurti with plazo1

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Stay tuned for many style tips coming your way soon!

Till then, enjoy dressing!

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